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Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Friday, 28 November 2014
The instructions ( The city of ember )
This term we have been reading the book the city of ember and in the book we have to find out what the instructions say cause in the story/book poppy licks and rips the instructions so thats why we have been trying to figure the instructions out.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
City of Ember Wordle
About The City Of Ember
This is my description of the city of Ember. I did this to put a picture in your head so you know what the city of ember looks like and basically it's a small, poor, underground city that needs help the city's name is as you may have guessed 'The City Of Ember' There are two main characters Doon and Lina they both are 12 and they are getting jobs( in the city of ember children start working at the age of 12) the city was a planned city it had been made over 200 hundred years ago since it's a pre planed city the people who made it left a box and in the box is something that will save the city from all the shortage of stuff............if you are interested read the book or watch the movie.
This is a book that we have been reading at class this term this book is very adventures and it is really exiting it will get you hooked on from the start it also is a big mystery I will recommend this book and i just cant wait to read more.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Friday, 24 October 2014
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
My Daffodil Art & Dimantie Poem

I was learning to write a dimanitie poem and draw a daffodil. I found this really fun and exciting since we also made it into a puzzle and then we wrote our poem in a spare space. Something I really liked was the idea of the puzzle it just looks AWESOME!!!!
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Scrip for Inquiry Project
We are learning how to teach our fellow students of EPS what to do in an emergency this is our script. I found it okay with cooperating with my group and it was easy to write the script because it we had an idea from this video that we saw on youtube.
Maths Problem
I was learning how to make a square with 15 by 15 square and etc.. I found this easy because what I did was found the dynamiter of the square and my group just remembered that Mrs Graham told us to work around the 1 by 1 square. My next step is to work on the extension problem and try to use a similar type of strategy.
Daffodil Diamante Poem
I was learning how to write a diamante poem. I found this interesting because I had never done this type of poem before and I thought it was really cool. I found this really easy because we did a plan with nouns, adjectives and verbs. Now I plan to write a antonym poem.
Monday, 1 September 2014
Friday, 29 August 2014
Cry of the Taniwha Prejudice Example
I was learning how to do a prejudice example. I found this really easy because I understood the character of Matt really. Since the beginning of the book Juzza had judged Matt so I knew what to do. My next step is to understand a more difficult character by using the same prejudice technique.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Monday, 25 August 2014
Speech Finals Certificate
I was surprised when I found out that I was in the speech finals cause all the other speeches in my class were really cool too because they all had a meaning behind it.
Math Olympiad Winning Team Certificate
It was a really tough competition and it was also a tie with us and rm 22. It was amazing when we found out that we won and it wasn't a draw.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Mathletics gold certificate
I am really proud of my self because I just earned my second gold certificate this year and I also got it on my dad's birthday. This year I will try to get another gold.
Volcano Art
We have been learning how to apply paint. We learnt two techniques, dabbing with a sponge and dragging with cardboard. What I found really fun was the sponge painting and the one I found tricky was the dragging techniques because the paint got everywhere.
My 2014 speech
We have been learning how to write an effective speech. I found this easy because I understood my topic really well and I even really believed about my topic ( Why education is important ). I began my speech with a question or a imaginative thought I supported it with lots of information about why it is important and I ended my speech with a saying type of thing so people have something to think about. Next time I could back my speech up with expert evidence and that will give a more effect on my main points.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Leadership Week
This is a photo of us with Sally from Frucor. She came here to talk to us about how leaders are and how we have a comfort zone a dangerous zone and the challenge zone we are suppose to be in the challenge zone she talked to us about her experiences and her challenges. I really enjoyed it.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Natural Disaster brainstorm
I have been learning to summarise and record my research in my own words. I found summarising the information into my own words easy because my group was co-operating really well. We were working together and everyone got a chance to share there information so everything was easy to find. I found this interesting because I got to know that in Wellington there are blue lines to tell you in that area is safe or not. We also found out that sometimes if earthquakes hits the ocean that can cause a tsunami. I still want to learn more about tsunamis. My next step is to gather even more information about tsunami.
Friday, 23 May 2014
My Special Place
I was learning how to use mu senses to add detail to my writing so that I can make my writing interesting for my reader. I found it easy to use my senses in my writing because I did a brain storm and it really helped me organise my writing to know where I can include my senses in my writing.I am really proud of my writing and my classmates did an awesome job too. I really liked their special places to.
I was learning how to do show don't tell writing. I found it quiet tricky because I couldn't do the part where I can't tell my feelings in one word. What I could of done different is ask someone to help think of other words and other sentences. My next step is to know to ask people if I need help and have a little bit more of show don't tell.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Comparing Fractions
I am learning how to compare fractions. I found this work quiet easy because I drew a pizza that helped me find the answer quicker and I already knew that maybe they might be even because of the numerator and the denominator. What my next step would be is to compare with larger amount of fractions.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Understanding a character's Impact
I was learning how to understand a characters impact. I found this really easy because we read the novel as a class and we had time to talk about the novel. My next step is to use the same ideas when i read a novel again like this.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Councillor picture
Councillor Group - 2014
One of the Biggest achivements that I have received this year was to be selected as one of the 14 Councillors . Our team of Councillors is to help kids in the school and to be a good role model to our Juniors .
One of the Biggest achivements that I have received this year was to be selected as one of the 14 Councillors . Our team of Councillors is to help kids in the school and to be a good role model to our Juniors .
Monday, 24 March 2014
Mathletics Gold Certificate
I got the this mathletics certificate I am really proud of me. I think I might be able to get another old certificate this year.
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Name Art
We were learning to draw concentric circles and write our name in the middle we used warm colours and cool colours.I found it really easy to draw the circles.
What I found easy was drawing them step by step if I hadn't done that then I would have found that really hard.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
My Badges
These are the Badges that I have earned during Year 6 . I have become a
School Councillor , Peer Mediator , Library Monitor , DigiKid and am a member of the
Enviro team .
Monday, 17 March 2014
Comparing characters
I was learning how to compare characters from the book called Bridge to Terabithia.I was comparing Jess and Leslie.I found this work easy because I knew what they mostly had in common so I didn't find it so difficult. My next step is to think about who I am more like and what I have in common with these characters.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Friday, 28 February 2014
Camp Certificate
Camp from school was awesome as we had not imagined that it would be so fun loving , so many activities and we got to learn a lot when we were away from home .
Break And Make Numbers
I was learning how to break and make numbers and the answer is supposed to be 20.
I am most proud of using brackets for make and break numbers.
I want to learn more new ways how to make and break numbers now know I can learn more from my friends.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Kennings Poem!!!
I was learning how to write a kennings poem. I felt that I couldn't find the perfect verb to describe what I liked so I could of done better than I did. It was quiet challenging. Where I got stuck was when I had to find the verbs to describe myself.The thing I could of done differently is that I could of asked the teacher to help me find some verbs or I could asked one of my friends. My next step is to dig deeper to find better verbs and ask someone for help.
My Did You Ever Poem
My Reflection
I was learning to write a Did You Ever poem.I felt that I knew was supposed to do because I knew what nouns were and it wasn't so hard .My next step is to challenge myself more by using some better describing words because I didn't have to think much.
Monday, 10 February 2014
Welcome to my Blog
Hi!! My name is Vacha and I go to Elm Park School.
Welcome to my learning blog. My interests are doing
art, listening to music and reading a lovely book. My
favourite colours are blue, purple, yellow and silver.
This year I am looking forward to CAMP !!!!
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