Wednesday, 24 September 2014

My Daffodil Art & Dimantie Poem

I was learning to write a dimanitie poem and draw a daffodil.  I found this really fun and exciting since we also made it into a puzzle and then we wrote our poem in a spare space. Something I really liked was the idea of the puzzle it just looks AWESOME!!!!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Scrip for Inquiry Project

We are learning how to teach our fellow students of EPS what to do in an emergency this is our script. I found it okay with cooperating with my group and it was easy to write the script because it we had an idea from this video  that we saw on youtube.

Maths Problem

I was learning how to make a square with 15 by 15 square and etc.. I found this easy because what I did was found the dynamiter of the square and my group just remembered that Mrs Graham told us  to work around the 1 by 1 square. My next step is to work on the extension problem and try to use a similar type of strategy.  

Daffodil Diamante Poem

I was learning how to write a diamante poem. I found this interesting because I had never done this type of poem before and I thought it was really cool. I found this really easy because we did a plan with nouns, adjectives and verbs. Now I plan to write a antonym  poem.